WORLD EVENT - 2nd edition - March 25 & 26, 2025
inter - university & school
“Getting out of a causal way of thinking to act in the world differently”
The congress on March 23, 2023 was a great success, bringing together more than 1,000 people, with 10 participating countries, 40 partner universities/schools and around a hundred speakers.
Albert Einstein said that “ you cannot solve a problem with the ways of thinking that created it. ". Today, few question our ways of thinking, their functioning and their consequences on people and society.
Even though our societies seem incapable of meeting the collective challenges of the 21st century, whether they be political, ecological, migratory challenges, business issues or individual challenges with the unprecedented increase in cases of depression, burnout, harassment, etc. Contemporary thought seems to have crystallized in a causal rigidity, a source of opposition and blockages at the origin of a world, where very often, we are in search of the cause and the culprit instead of apprehending the process of operating and maintaining problems. However, we see how much this binary approach limits the fields of vision and action, both at the individual and collective level, how much it freezes the world in a distorted and fixed representation transforming the world into a house of cards of Epinal images.
On March 25, 2025, researchers, academics, philosophers, psychiatrists, sociologists, business leaders, political figures from around the world, come together at an international congress to reflect on systemic thinking with a biopsychosocial vision on human social activities: mental health, couple, family, education, justice, business, politics, etc. How does the systemic approach make it possible to address the processes that govern the individual in his relationship to himself, to others and to the world? How does it allow you to escape from a causal mode of thinking? How can we teach this processual and complex way of thinking? How can we develop the professions of systems engineers, all new professions of the future, highly qualified and essential to a better relational ecology in society?
The program
Day of March 25, 2025
09:00 - 09:20
Grégoire VITRY | Doctor-researcher in psychology, graduated from the Palo Alto school, he has worked for several years with Giorgio Nardone , Nathalie Duriez, Michael Hoyt, Teresa Garcia, Jean-Jacques Wittezaele, Wendel Ray and the MRI in order to promote research and training in systemic approach. Since 2016, he has been developing SYPRENE, a PRN network (Thurin et al., 2012) using a systemic approach, allowing in particular to improve his practice in close collaboration with the academic world. He is also in charge of the LACT international school and the International Webinar Brief Therapy congress. He also graduated from EM Lyon and has a master's degree in Applied Mathematics. |
Olivier BROSSEAU | Therapist, coach, supervisor and trainer in strategic systems approach, associated with LACT. He teaches at the IAE in Paris within the Master of Administrations and Businesses the “Organizations and Behaviors” module. |
09:20 - 09:45
Claude de SCORRAILLE | Psychologist, psychotherapist and co-founder of LACT of which she is president. She directs the OCD and Anxiety Disorders Clinic in partnership with the European center the OCD Clinic. She teaches and trains via the web at the relationship clinic at the LACT international school. Within the CSAPA of Montreuil, she has a consultation specializing in addiction disorders. She is co-author of several books and regularly gives conferences. |
9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Robert NEUBURGER | Psychiatrist, systemic therapist specializing in couple issues. He teaches at the Free University of Brussels, trains and supervises therapists in France and abroad. In addition to being scientific director of CEFA (Center for the Study of the Family Association) and vice-president of the French Society of Family Therapy, each month, he receives an Internet user from for his first session of therapy. |
11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
3 Conferences to choose from - Clinic / Business and society / Education
Clinical Workshop
In partnership with
Moderator: Emmanuelle GALLIN
Serge HEFEZ | Biography to come |
Marie-Christine CABIÉ | Psychiatrist, psychotherapist, head of the Paris 11 psychiatry center at the Saint Maurice Hospitals. Author of: For brief therapy. The patient's free choice as ethics in psychotherapy. |
Rytis PAKROSNIS | Doctor of Psychology, EuroPsy certified psychologist, works as an associate professor at the Psychology Department of Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) and as a psychologist at the VMU Psychology Clinic and in private practice. Member of the European Brief Therapy Association (EBTA), EBTA Working Group on Definition of Solution Focused Practice and EBTA Working Group on Research Grants. Member of the editorial staff of the journal Solution-Focused Literature. Areas of interest: Research on the results of solution-focused practice; applying and researching solution-focused practice in different domains and contexts (e.g. prevention, self-help); solution-focused hands-on training; positive psychology. |
Business and society
In partnership with
Moderator: Grégoire VITRY
Laurent BIBARD | Laurent Bibard is a professor at ESSEC where he directed the MBA platform from 2005 to 2010. He teaches political philosophy, sociology and economics. Now responsible for the Management and Philosophy sector, he works in particular on the dynamics of vigilance in a crisis situation. He is also Academic Director for ESSEC of the Master Water for All (OpT) deployed in collaboration with ArgoParisTech. After his work published in collaboration with Edgar Morin, is entitled Complexity and organizations, Facing the challenges of tomorrow (2018), his latest book presents a Phenomenology of sexualities, Modernity and the question of meaning (2021). |
Xavier BRIFFAULT | Xavier Briffault is a researcher in social sciences and health epistemology at the CNRS (CERMES3). Member of the HCFEA, former member of the HCSP. His research focuses in particular on the categories of understanding in psychiatry/mental health and their consequences on the making of therapeutic and preventive interventions in this field. |
Aurélien BAELDE | Biography to come |
Education Workshop
In partnership with
Moderator: Olivier BROSSEAU
Jean-Paul GAILLARD | Laurent Bibard is a professor at ESSEC where he directed the MBA platform from 2005 to 2010. He teaches political philosophy, sociology and economics. Now responsible for the Management and Philosophy sector, he works in particular on the dynamics of vigilance in a crisis situation. He is also Academic Director for ESSEC of the Master Water for All (OpT) deployed in collaboration with ArgoParisTech. After his work published in collaboration with Edgar Morin, is entitled Complexity and organizations, Facing the challenges of tomorrow (2018), his latest book presents a Phenomenology of sexualities, Modernity and the question of meaning (2021). |
Alessandro BARTOLETTI | Xavier Briffault is a researcher in social sciences and health epistemology at the CNRS (CERMES3). Member of the HCFEA, former member of the HCSP. His research focuses in particular on the categories of understanding in psychiatry/mental health and their consequences on the making of therapeutic and preventive interventions in this field. |
12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
End of first part
Grégoire VITRY | Doctor-researcher in psychology, graduated from the Palo Alto school, he has worked for several years with Giorgio Nardone , Nathalie Duriez, Michael Hoyt, Teresa Garcia, Jean-Jacques Wittezaele, Wendel Ray and the MRI in order to promote research and training in systemic approach. Since 2016, he has been developing SYPRENE, a PRN network (Thurin et al., 2012) using a systemic approach, allowing in particular to improve his practice in close collaboration with the academic world. He is also in charge of the LACT international school and the International Webinar Brief Therapy congress. He also graduated from EM Lyon and has a master's degree in Applied Mathematics. |
Lunch break
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. - 2:05 p.m.
Olivier BROSSEAU | Therapist, coach, supervisor and trainer in strategic systems approach, associated with LACT. He teaches at the IAE in Paris within the Master of Administrations and Businesses the “Organizations and Behaviors” module. |
2:05 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
2 Conferences to choose from:
Therapist, coach, supervisor and trainer in strategic systems approach, associated with LACT. He teaches at the IAE in Paris within the Master of Administrations and Businesses the “Organizations and Behaviors” module. |
Grégoire VITRY | Doctor-researcher in psychology, graduated from the Palo Alto school, he has worked for several years with Giorgio Nardone , Nathalie Duriez, Michael Hoyt, Teresa Garcia, Jean-Jacques Wittezaele, Wendel Ray and the MRI in order to promote research and training in systemic approach. Since 2016, he has been developing SYPRENE, a PRN network (Thurin et al., 2012) using a systemic approach, allowing in particular to improve his practice in close collaboration with the academic world. He is also in charge of the LACT international school and the International Webinar Brief Therapy congress. He also graduated from EM Lyon and has a master's degree in Applied Mathematics. |
3:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
3:45 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
2 Conferences to choose from:
OCD Clinic
Moderator: Claude de SCORRAILLE
Claudette PORTELLI | Lecturer and practitioner of systems thinking - PhD in Psychology, CTS psychologist, trainer and coach (Italy - Malta). Author of "Knowledge through change", "Obsessions, compulsions, manias: understand them and overcome them quickly" and "Le nuove dipendenze". |
Matteo PAPANTUONO | Psychologist, psychotherapist and trainer Matteo Papantuono has over fifteen years of teaching experience in numerous Italian schools. He is the director of the OCD Clinic in Ancona, Italy. |
Moderator: Olivier BROSSEAU
Olivier FOURNIER | Managing Director in charge of governance and organizational development Born in 1961, a graduate of EM Lyon Business School and holder of a DESCF (diploma of higher education in accounting and finance), Olivier Fournier joined Hermès in 1991, where his professional career took him from finance and internal audit at Hermès International to the general management of the Textiles division in Lyon, then in 2008, to the general management of the artisanal Hermès Leather Goods-Saddlery division. Since 2015, he has been Chief Executive Officer in charge of governance and organizational development, and member of the Hermès Executive Committee. In this capacity, he supervises the Group human resources, legal, audit, risk and insurance, sustainable development, real estate and Hermès Services Group departments. In 2016, he succeeded Pierre-Alexis Dumas as President of the Fondation d'entreprise Hermès. |
Sophie DUVERNE | Biography to come |
Sharon MACBEATH | Biography to come |
Nathalie BREBAN | Biography to come |
Vincent TETTAMANTI | Biography to come |
Isabelle LUGNIER | Currently HR Director of the animation studio Illumination Paris, Isabelle Lugnier has acquired experience in international human resources management in the worlds of consumer goods (Colgate Palmolive, Energizer), entertainment (Walt Disney Feature Animation, CANAL + Group) and luxury (Shiseido, Richemont group). Trained in the systemic approach of Palo Alto and positive psychology, Isabelle Lugnier also teaches in the master media of SciencesPo Paris. |
Day of March 26, 2025
09:00 - 11:00
3 Conferences to choose from
Clinical Conference
In partnership with
Nathalie DURIEZ | Lecturer in clinical psychology, authorized to direct research, she is educational manager of the Master 1 Clinical Psychology at a distance from the University of Paris 8 and of 3 university degrees:
Affiliated with the Psychopathology and Processes of Change Laboratory, her research and publications focus on family therapy, processes of change and resilience, emotional regulation, addictions, hyperstimulability and the theory of reversal. In 2009, she published a book with Erès, Changer en famille. Moderators and mediators of change in family therapy. She works as a family therapist at the CSAPA Monceau in Paris and develops in her practice a model of family therapy centered on emotional regulation. She is also a trainer in the systemic approach and family therapy. |
Coaching Clinic Conference
In partnership with
Padraic GIBSON | Psychologist, family therapist and supervisor. He works in Ireland, Italy and Malta. He is a Senior Research Associate and Lecturer at Dublin City University and founder of the OCD® and Anxiety Disorders Clinic. |
Claudette PORTELLI | Lecturer and practitioner of systems thinking - PhD in Psychology, CTS psychologist, trainer and coach (Italy - Malta). Author of "Knowledge through change", "Obsessions, compulsions, manias: understand them and overcome them quickly" and "Le nuove dipendenze". |
Business Conference
In partnership with
Thierry NADISIC | Biography to come |
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
4 Conferences to choose from
Business Conference
In partnership with
Michel PAILLET | Psychiatrist, systemic therapist specializing in couple issues. He teaches at the Free University of Brussels, trains and supervises therapists in France and abroad. In addition to being scientific director of CEFA (Center for the Study of the Family Association) and vice-president of the French Society of Family Therapy, each month, he receives an Internet user from for his first session of therapy. |
Business Conference
In partnership with
Audrey BECUWE | HDR Lecturer in management sciences at IAE Limoges, researcher in human resources management and organizational behavior. |
Clinical Conference
In partnership with
Eric BARDOT | Psychiatrist, child psychiatrist, psychotherapist. Trainer in hypnosis, brief systemic therapies, EMDR/HTSMA. Designer and organizer of HTSMA training (Hypnosis, Strategic Therapies and Alternative Movements). He is the director of the Mimethys Institute in Nantes. |
Julien BETBEZE | Hospital psychiatrist, head of the Loire-Atlantique Therapeutic Family Reception department, Blain CHS. Lecturer in Nantes at the Faculty of Psychology (DESS Cognitive and Clinical) and at the UER of Medicine: DU Addictions, DU Therapeutic Hypnosis, DU Pain. Family therapist, Addiction Department at Nantes University Hospital. Educational manager and trainer at the Arepta-Institut Milton Erickson in Nantes. Trainer at CHTIP in Paris. Co-author with Y. Doutrelugne, O. Cottencin, L. Isebaert and D. Megglé of Brief interventions and therapies: 10 concrete strategies, crises and opportunities, Masson editions, 2016. |
Clinical Conference
In partnership with
Rytis PAKROSNIS | Doctor of Psychology, EuroPsy certified psychologist, works as an associate professor at the Psychology Department of Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) and as a psychologist at the VMU Psychology Clinic and in private practice. Member of the European Brief Therapy Association (EBTA), EBTA Working Group on Definition of Solution Focused Practice and EBTA Working Group on Research Grants. Member of the editorial staff of the journal Solution-Focused Literature. Areas of interest: Research on the results of solution-focused practice; applying and researching solution-focused practice in different domains and contexts (e.g. prevention, self-help); solution-focused hands-on training; positive psychology. |
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
3 Conferences to choose from
Clinical Conference
In partnership with
Jennifer DENIS | Clinical psychologist. Doctor in Psychological Sciences. Associate professor at the University of Mons (UMONS -Belgium), she teaches clinical psychology and psychotherapy. Initially trained in the psychoanalytical approach and psychotraumatology, she then completed a third cycle in marital and family psychotherapy and systemic intervention (CEFORES - Belgium). Academic manager of the University Certificate in Systemic Psychotherapy at the University of Mons, she is pursuing training as a trainer in family therapy at the Center for Family and Human Systems Studies (CEFS - Brussels). Since September 2022, she has also been in charge of the Atelier Systemique, a new training school in marital and family psychotherapy and systemic intervention in collaboration with CEFS and UMONS. She has a practice in crisis clinics and in various fields (psychiatry, alcoholism, oncology, geriatrics), supervises teams and has worked for 15 years in a psychological consultation center. Author of numerous scientific publications, her latest book 'Brief Interventions and Therapies', co-written in particular with Stephan Hendrick, has just been published by Editions Mardaga (2022). |
Ecology Conference
In partnership with
Anne GOUYON | Agricultural engineer and Dr. in Social Economic Sciences (AgroParisTech-Univ. Paris VII), Master of Clinical Psychology trained in the strategic systemic approach of Palo Alto (Univ. Paris VIII-LACT), Knight in the National Order of Merit. President of AgroParisTech Alumni, administrator of AgroParisTech and its Foundation. Systemician, 30 years of commitment to sustainable development in research and teaching, expertise and entrepreneurship. |
Addiction Conference
In partnership with
Jean-Pierre COUTERON | Agricultural engineer and Dr. in Social Economic Sciences (AgroParisTech-Univ. Paris VII), Master of Clinical Psychology trained in the strategic systemic approach of Palo Alto (Univ. Paris VIII-LACT), Knight in the National Order of Merit. President of AgroParisTech Alumni, administrator of AgroParisTech and its Foundation. Systemician, 30 years of commitment to sustainable development in research and teaching, expertise and entrepreneurship. |
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
3 Conferences to choose from
Clinical Conference
In partnership with
Maria ANDREA HERNANDEZ | Psychologist - Psychotherapist, specialist in phobias, fears, obsessive compulsive disorders, depression, sexual dysfunctions and eating disorders, among others. Director of the Didactic Center for Brief Strategic Therapy in Colombia (CTE - Bogotá). Master in Brief Strategic Therapy (Italy). Founder of the service "Terapia al Alcance de Todos". Affiliate and CTS representative of Prof. Giorgio Nardone . Collaborates with the Javeriana University and the Albalá de Cali Institute. |
Clinical Conference
In partnership with
Samuel SHANNON | Doctor of Philosophy, was born in Oceanside, California, and moved several times before spending most of his childhood in a small town in northern Virginia. He is the eldest of five children. He received his bachelor's degree in psychology from Brigham Young University and his master's and doctoral degrees from The Ohio State University. He is currently an assistant professor in the Marriage and Family Therapy programs at the University of Louisiana Monroe, where he teaches, supervises research and therapy, and participates in the therapeutic process whenever he can. He is the proud father of 4 children, whom he raises and schools with his wife from their home in Monroe, Louisiana. |
Business Conference
In partnership with
Damien RICHARD | Teacher-researcher in management, INSEEC Grande Ecole (on availability) Icam, Meaning & Work Chair ( ) Associate researcher CERAG Chair in Occupational Health and Management, (University of Grenoble Alpes) ( ) He teaches in organization theory, management and leadership, business ethics in Grande Ecole and in permanent training with managers. His research focuses on new forms of organization, well-being at work and the overall performance of organizations. He regularly publishes articles in national and international scientific journals. Also a certified professional coach, he supports teams within public and private organizations in the diagnosis and implementation of actions aimed at linking well-being at work and sustainable performance, in particular by using the systemic and strategic model of Palo Alto school. |
Benedicte Crucis | Systemicist and founder of the MEETWIZ firm (specialized in supporting human relations using the strategic systemic approach). Convinced by this approach, and passionate about inter-individual dynamics, she is convinced that it is not people who are dysfunctional but their relationships. Member of the SYPRES office (Union of Systems Practitioners), she supports executive managers and executives in the discovery of the model and its application. |
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
3 Conferences to choose from
Clinical Conference
In partnership with
Stephane BUJOLD | My main activity consists in offering individual and group supervision, providing training to workers on motivational interviewing, family intervention and mental health problems comorbid with addiction. I ensure the clinical coordination of a project for the prevention of addictions in schools and the clinical management of Havre du Fjord de Jonquière, which welcomes young people with addictions. An organization that has chosen to no longer exclude young people, to use a non-punitive approach and to improve care for young people with complex profiles. I also intervene with clients who are difficult to help, both individually and in groups. Among the difficult-to-help clientele are victims of abuse (sexual, violence, intimidation), clients with significant anxiety symptoms (PTSD, social anxiety, agoraphobia, etc.), clients with strong impulsiveness and an aggressiveness that they find it difficult to control, clients at risk of radicalization which can lead to violence, young people in placement in youth centers who present severe behavioral problems. I also give conferences for various organizations that work with young people and adults. I have been called upon to train youth protection workers, addiction centres, lawyers and judges for the youth division and the administrative tribunal of Quebec, the Association des sexologues du Québec and organizations who take care of children in France and Switzerland. |
Education Conference
In partnership with
Claudette PORTELLI | Lecturer and practitioner of systems thinking - PhD in Psychology, CTS psychologist, trainer and coach (Italy - Malta). Author of "Knowledge through change", "Obsessions, compulsions, manias: understand them and overcome them quickly" and "Le nuove dipendenze". |
Colin CALLEJA | Dean of the Faculty of Education |
Matteo PAPANTUONO | Psychologist, psychotherapist and trainer Matteo Papantuono has over fifteen years of teaching experience in numerous Italian schools. He is the director of the OCD Clinic in Ancona, Italy. |
Paola NICOLINI | Biography to come |
Clinical Conference
In partnership with
Pedro VARGAS |
8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
3 Conferences to choose from
Clinical Conference
In partnership with
Francesco MARSICH | ▪ He obtained the degree of Doctor of Psychology in Brief Strategic Psychotherapy from the CTS (Centre for Brief Strategic Therapy, Arezzo) and completed the Master and License in Psychology at the University of Florence. He also obtained the post-graduate course in "Masters of Psychotherapy" from the Milton H. Erickson Foundation (Arizona, USA) and took the course "Rhetoric: The Art of Persuasive Writing and Public Speaking". in public from EdX for Business". ▪ He works as a brief strategic psychotherapist. He directs the degree, as a university professor and thesis advisor, in Systemic and Strategic Psychotherapy (Universidad Autonoma del Paraguay, Pierré Fouchard in the faculty of "Behavioral Sciences"). In addition, he collaborated as an external consultant for the ASL (local health department) within the framework of the SPES project. |
Clinical Conference
In partnership with
Jeffrey JACKSON | Biography to come |
Clinical Conference
In partnership with
Dan SHORT | Clinical psychologist. Expert in Ericksonian psychotherapy and clinical hypnosis. Executive Director of the Milton H. Erickson Institute in Phoenix. He has years of experience in diverse settings such as Domestic Violence Agency, University Counseling Center and in the school sector with the Department of Special Education. |