WORLD EVENT - 2nd edition - March 25, 2025


inter - university & school

“Getting out of a causal way of thinking to act in the world differently”

The congress on March 23, 2023 was a great success, bringing together more than 1,000 people, with 10 participating countries, 40 partner universities/schools and around a hundred speakers.

Albert Einstein said that “you cannot solve a problem with the ways of thinking that created it. ". Today, few question our ways of thinking, their functioning and their consequences on people and society.

Even though our societies seem incapable of meeting the collective challenges of the 21st century, whether they be political, ecological, migratory challenges, business issues or individual challenges with the unprecedented increase in cases of depression, burnout, harassment, etc. Contemporary thought seems to have crystallized in a causal rigidity, a source of opposition and blockages at the origin of a world, where very often, we are in search of the cause and the culprit instead of apprehending the process of operating and maintaining problems. However, we see how much this binary approach limits the fields of vision and action, both at the individual and collective level, how much it freezes the world in a distorted and fixed representation transforming the world into a house of cards of Epinal images.

On March 25, 2025, researchers, academics, philosophers, psychiatrists, sociologists, business leaders, political figures from around the world, come together at an international congress to reflect on systemic thinking with a biopsychosocial vision on human social activities: mental health, couple, family, education, justice, business, politics, etc. How does the systemic approach make it possible to address the processes that govern the individual in his relationship to himself, to others and to the world? How does it allow you to escape from a causal mode of thinking? How can we teach this processual and complex way of thinking? How can we develop the professions of systems engineers, all new professions of the future, highly qualified and essential to a better relational ecology in society?  


March 23, 2023

International Webinar - First edition

“Professions of the systemic approach”